Well, I got tagged by my beautiful blonde friend (aka Twinie) Caroline over at
The Trendy Trainer to fill out this A to Z survey about myself. Want to learn more about me? Read on my friends!
A. Attached or Single? Attached! Married to my best friend who loves me unconditionally. xoxo
B. Best Friend? I am one lucky girl to have many, including Dana (see A.). My family has always been there for me. They are my rocks and my best friends. My girlfriends from college, a handful of friends from high school, childhood friends, blends, co-workers, and friends I met through Dana are all my best friends. It’s okay to have more than one best friend! I have a lot of love in my life.
C. Cake or pie? It depends on the occasion and the crust of the pie. At birthdays I really adore a piece of cake. At Thanksgiving, I can really go for a piece of pumpkin or French Silk pie but won’t eat the crust if it is has the “standard” crust. I prefer the graham cracker kind or the
gluten-free crust that my mom made with dates and nuts for last year’s Thanksgiving! Num.
D. Day of choice? Friday. You still have the whole weekend to look forward to!
E. Essential Item? Toothbrush and toothpaste. People tease me about how much I brush my teeth. I just hate the feeling of dirty teeth!
F. Favorite color? This changes every other day depending on my mood. Today, probably coral or mint.
G. Gummy bears or worms? LOVE both but especially enjoy red and white worms. But if we’re talking gummies, the strawberries and cream and peachos are my all-time favs. I haven’t had them in a loooong time though because of this whole eliminating sugar business. Someday I will enjoy a handful of gummies again!
H. Home town? Bloomington, MN born and raised suburban girl
I. Favorite Indulgence? Frozen yogurt, dark chocolate
J. January or July? July. We have like 3 months of summer and warm weather here. I savor it when it is here.
K. Kids? Someday yes! I love kiddos!
L. Life isn’t complete without? My family and friends.
M. Marriage date? October 1st, 2011. Best day ever.
N. Number of brothers/sisters? Three older brothers. Yup, some might say I’m the princess.

O. Oranges or Apples? Apples.
P. Phobias? Claustrophobia.
Q. Quotes?

R. Reasons to smile? A million reasons to smile: my family, friends, health, love, life.
S. Season of choice? I love the changing seasons here in Minnesota and always look forward to the next season to come. They all hold a special place in my heart so I’m not sure if I have a definite favorite. Right now I am loving summer but so looking forward to the coziness and beauty of fall!
T. Tag 5 People. I’m tagging all of you! If you haven’t done this survey yet, you’re up next!
V. Vegetable? Hmm I’m a veggie-holic so this is tough. Snap peas, carrots, peas, asparagus.
W. Worst habit? Let’s ask Dana.
X. X-ray or Ultrasound? Which do I prefer? Neither. I’ve had a number of ultrasounds in my day though and they’re not terrible.
Y. Your favorite food? Good quality dark chocolate!
Z. Zodiac sign? Scorpio.
YOUR turn! Pick your three initials and answer the corresponding questions in the comment box.
Nice! I actually have one of these in the works too! I didn’t get tagged to do so, but thought it seemed fun after seeing it on the Carrots ‘N’ Cake blog. It’s an entertaining way to learn more about someone 🙂
paleoinpdx recently posted…Simple Supper Friday: Sirloin Green Curry
I’ll be excited to read it!!
These are great fun… enjoyed reading yours. My initials are AMc so here goes:
A: Attached but not married
M: marriage date…. none yet
C: cake or pie… mmm…. maybe pie, by a whisker but cake… mmmm!
I’m a Scorpio too xx
Aisling @ Sunny Side Up recently posted…Monday Catchup
Thanks for playing along! Another scorpio…uh oh! 😉
A: Attached… Married June 4 2011
K. No kids yet…. but someday (gotta finish school first!!)
And my last name starts with a A so I will do S instead…..
S. LOVE Minnesota seasons!! I love having 4 seasons, it makes you really appreciate each one and each one is so different!
Alex recently posted…Honey Roasted Chicken Salad
Agree on Minnesota’s 4 seasons. I look forward to each and every one! I just wish winter was a teeny bit shorter!
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