Hello, hello my friends! How’s your week treating you so far?
I have a few odds and ends to catch up on today, mostly involving food (go figure) so let’s get you caught up!
Organic cage-free eggs (and if you can find it, free-range). They are worth the extra pennies. They taste awesome and your body appreciates the effort as well. They are so good for us but have gotten such a bad rap in the past.
One egg contains approximately 70 calories, 7 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat, and contains essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, A, B12, phosphorus, folate, choline, etc.
Eat eggs!
I have been loving eggs in scrambles, hard-boiled, over-easy, you name it.
This particular combo was amazing: eggs, red bell pepper, onion, cheese, avocado, cilantro, and salsa. This was nearly the extent of my cooking over the past week or so.

This past weekend I enjoyed a chicken bowl from Chipotle and managed to make my leftovers last for two more meals! I just fried up an egg to go on top and called it a perfect lunch.

This next one doesn’t involve eggs, but it involves chicken, and it was really good. On Friday, I cooked up a batch of chicken, shredded it, added buffalo sauce, placed it on top of a cucumber with some feta cheese and enjoyed the simple yet delicious bites. They’re kind of cute but definitely messy. If you could eat these bites in one full swoop you would be fine but I can’t so I ended up with a mess and a fork. But they were worth it.

Of course buffalo chicken can be enjoyed many other ways: in a wrap, on a salad (we were out of lettuce or I would have done this), on whole grain bread, or in lettuce cups.
Okay so I lied…this was about the extent of my cooking for the week!
There you have it. My loose-ends are almost all tied up. That didn’t take too long.
Lastly, I’m going to say “catch you later” because I will be unplugging for a while. I will be limiting my computer and phone time, therefore may not respond to emails, texts/calls or comments for a while. I just wanted to let you know ahead of time so you don’t think I am being rude for not responding, it just means I need my brain to take a breather from the electronics for a bit and I will get back to you soon. 🙂
It’s time to recharge MY battery.
So, I am challenging you to UNPLUG!
Unplug and….
- read a book
- play a game
- go for a walk
- organize a closet or a drawer
- write a letter
- meet a friend for coffee or dinner
- make cookies
- go to a museum
- do yoga
Even if you can only unplug for an hour, your mind and body will thank you!
I have some great guest posts as well as other fun posts all ready for your enjoyment for the upcoming week or so, so ENJOY!
Talk with you all later!