FriYAY Catch Up!
Let’s catch up on this past week, huh?
Did you know I was in Vegas last weekend celebrating with my little bachelorette, Betsy?! This was my first time in Vegas and unfortunately I got hit with a nasty cold on Friday (the day I got there) but I sucked it up and had an AWESOME time! I only lost $10. I’m too frugal to play anything but the penny slots! Hit a button, lose money, hit a button, lose money, etc. It was 114º F or something crazy like that while we were there but it was a dry heat so it didn’t feel so bad, especially when we were in the pool all day.
Considering the heat, and the fact that I didn’t feel well, my appetite was way off. I managed to have two bigger meals over the weekend though at the hotel’s buffet. This is far from a pretty food photo but the food was really good! Check out my breakfast plate. It included: a fluffy pancake with a caramel buttery banana syrup, lots of bacon, fruit, pastries (took one bite and decided I could do better) and a crab leg! Yom yom yom.
I’m one of those people who has a realllllly hard time sleeping in no matter how late I stay up. Vegas is two hours ahead of MN, so can you guess what time I was awake on both Saturday and Sunday? Ok, I’ll tell ya…6:15 am. Lucky me, right? On Sunday morning, I knew no one else would be up for a while, so I got up, pumped, walked to breakfast (above), and then took a long stroll on the strip. I didn’t get to all of the hotels on the strip because there are a lot, but I made it to quite a few! My favorite was the Paris hotel and the Wynn. I was reliving my Paris trip like crazy. I definitely want to go back to Vegas again when it is a little cooler and spend more time looking at all of the hotels. They are beautiful.
I managed to pump, eat breakfast, walk the strip, and go to the pool all before the other girls woke up. Do I wish I could have slept in a bit longer? Of course. But since I couldn’t, I’m glad I made the most of being awake!
Such a fun weekend with the girls and so many more fun wedding festivities to come! Love you bride-to-be!!
I feel like I have been getting so spoiled lately. Applegate and Sir Kensington’s hooked me up with major swag (giveaway winner announced at the bottom of this post!), and recently, Steve’s Paleo Goods sent me a SUPER awesome goodie bag!
Steve’s Paleo Goods makes on-the-go clean eating snacks and OMG I am impressed. In the kit he sent to me was the paleo sampler which includes:
- Apple PaleoKit
- Ketchup
- Cinnamon PaleoKrunch Cereal
- Original PaleoKrunch Bar
- Grass-Fed PaleoJerky (2.5oz)
- PaleoJerky
- Dried Strawberries
So far I’ve sampled the apple paleokit and the dried strawberries and holy cow you guys, this stuff is good.
I’m so inspired by this guy. If you have a second, read his story: We need more people like this in our world! Thanks for the delicious samples, Steve!!!
Switching gears….can you believe it’s the 4th of July weekend already?! I just don’t understand how that is possible already. We are having a fairly low-key weekend full of lots of family and relaxation. I need it. Ever since Bode has started daycare we have all been sick, so pretty much the whole entire month of June. Oh well.
Check out this fun and festive food post I put together a couple of years ago:
(UPDATED July 14th)
FINAL new giveaway winner announced because my 2nd winner never responded either! This is it folks.
The new winner of the Applegate and Sir Kensington’s giveaway is:
Happy 4th of July to you all! What are your plans for the weekend?
I’m definitely hooking up with Katie today for Friday Favs!