
I’m not sure if I’ve ever written a “confessions” post but I thought it might be fun so I gave it a whirl to see what I could come up with.

1. As much as I love creating new and healthy recipes, I dislike actually writing down the recipe measurements. I’m not one to usually measure so it’s just one extra step that hinders getting the food into my mouth. 🙂

2. I have a serious problem with dirty teeth. If my teeth start to feel too scuzzy and I am not able to brush them, it can really mess with my mood. toothbrush


3. It’s rare that I swear, but get me stuck in traffic with inconsiderate drivers and you might hear a couple naughty words slip out of my mouth. Then I immediately apologize for swearing and put on some music to distract myself. Pull yourself together, Melanie.


4. I am terrified of spiders in my house. I am lucky to have a husband to kill them for me but when I’m home alone and I have to kill them myself, I am a nervous wreck. I grab five tissues and go crazy on the 8-legged creepers. Poor guys.


5. It’s rare that I actually try on a piece of clothing in the store. For some lazy reason I would rather bring it home, try it on, and then bring it back if it doesn’t fit. This defeats the whole laziness theory so I just don’t understand why I do it. If it’s a store that I rarely set foot in however, I will often try the piece on. Target on the other hand, I NEVER try things on in the store because I know I’m more than likely going to be there within the next two days anyway.

maxi dress


6. I truly LOVE Young Living Essential Oils and I literally want everyone to know about them but I never ever, ever want to be pushy about them. I just want everyone to know the amazingness that is EO’s!

7. I hate clutter. It gives me total anxiety. This is getting worse as I age. Living in a completely clutter-free home isn’t realistic, but I try to put things away and keep them in order to keep myself somewhat sane. Anytime I can organize areas in my home, I feel immediate gratification.

scarves organization organize

Those are my confessions for today! That was fun! I might have to do these posts more often!

I am linking up with Amanda and Thinking Out Loud. Thanks Amanda for the link-up!

Happy Thursday! What are YOUR confessions?

This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. Too funny…I did my first confessions-type post today too! Great minds think alike! 😉

    I’m totally with you on clutter! I hate it more than anything! It literally drives me crazy and has been known to give me anxiety!
    Holly @ EatGreatBEGreat recently posted…Totally Random Bits of Info #15My Profile

    1. Melanie

      You were the reason I decided to do one if I remember correctly. I read yours and I thought it looked like fun!

    1. Melanie

      And then sometimes I wonder, am I that bad?

  2. Clutter… omg… I fear it more than spiders! 😆 Actually, I’m pretty sure that having a basement room for so many years totally desensitized me towards spiders. Exposure therapy at its finest 😀 And I’m the same.exact.way with preferring to return clothes that don’t fit than trying them on in the store. Store change rooms are just awkward and the lighting is usually all wrong!
    Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. thinking out loud #78 .My Profile

    1. Melanie

      You would think they would want to put good lighting in those rooms to increase your chances of purchasing the item. That only makes sense to me. But no, the lighting is awful.

  3. Alisa Fairbanks

    Love this! I need to get my hands on some of the Young Living Essential Oils. I have read SO many great things about them! Oh, and I’m the same way with spiders, except I usually spray them with some sort of cleaning product first to slow them down and make them fall (if they’re on the celling), and then go at ’em with a shoe. I know…I’m so bad! My husband will help me if he’s home, but he has a much more humane tactic — he catches them in a glass and sets them free outside.
    Alisa Fairbanks recently posted…Grandma’s Italian GoulashMy Profile

  4. Well, we are pretty much twins! It’s funny because I thought I was the only one who would take home clothes from Target to try on and then take them back! It’s just more comfortable trying things on at home and usually I can tell if something will fit me.

    I want to steal that dress.
    Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health Nut recently posted…Planning for the FutureMy Profile

    1. Melanie

      I have to be in the right mood to try things on. See, you get it!!! 🙂

    1. Melanie

      Hahaha priorities for sure! That is the exact order or action when I get home too. I’m lucky enough to only live about 7-8 minutes from home, so a lot of times I go home at lunch and then I can brush my teeth then too! Lucky me!:wink:

  5. awww I love this post!! Everything is so totally YOU. especially the brushing the teeth. And I can totally see you getting p.o’d at people when driving, but then deep breathing and turning up the music. 🙂
    Katie @ running4cupcakes recently posted…Cinnamon Walnut Oat MuffinsMy Profile

    1. Melanie

      I go all crazy but then get into my zen mode as best as I can!

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