Well, hi! Oh how does time fly, huh?
I don’t have many fun food photos to share with you all, but I wanted to check in and catch you up to speed on what’s been going on around here lately.
1. We moved out of our house and moved in with Dana’s parents for the summer while we build our new home! Moving in general is so much work, but moving with a baby is even more challenging. Poor guy got so sick of us packing and moving. We had a lot of help though throughout the process which helped immensely.
2. Bode is almost 8 months old! He is a hoot! He is eating a lot of food now; anything from oatmeal, avocado, whole milk yogurt, banana and egg pancakes, homemade refried beans, etc. I am having so much fun trying new foods with him! I am hoping to start posting some of the foods I make for him.
He is almost done with his 8 weeks of swimming lessons. This kid is a natural in the water. He gets fairly serious when he is in there but I think he is having a good time?! He kicks his legs in the water, goes under water, and looks absolutely adorable doing it.
3. I got struck with the stomach flu this weekend and it was NO fun. I am working on increasing my breastmilk supply because it plummeted. Good times.
4. I REALLY want to get my cooking mojo back. With all of the packing and moving, we did a lot of take-out food and restaurant dining. Now that we are moved in and settled, and now that I am feeling almost back to my normal self after the flu bug, I need to sit down and start planning some meals. I’m calling on Pinterest for inspiration as usual.
Doesn’t this look good? I believe I pinned this from Katie!
6. I can’t believe it’s the middle of June already. Slow down time, just a little?
7. I cut my hair. I cut EIGHT inches off of my hair (last month actually). I cut it because I was just putting it up all of the time because it was so long but guess what, now I put it up because it is too short to control. Go figure. My hair grows quickly so soon enough it will be to a more controllable length for me. I just know how to work with long hair because I’ve had it my whole life, ya know?
There are my random updates/thoughts for ya. Take care my friends!
How are you all?
Share some delicious dinner ideas with me, please!
Great update! I’m so happy you’re all doing so well and that you’re getting over your bug:) And I can’t wait to see some new recipes from you!
Annie recently posted…A Memorial Day Celebration with Healthy Eats
Annie! We still need to get together!!
Yes!!! Post baby food ideas for your future daughter-in-law! I’m in a rut and keep giving her the same old stuff. I also want to start feeding her yogurt but I don’t know what kind to get?? Is B man crawling yet? Can’t wait to come visit in your new digs!
I have amp up my creativity too! I’ve been slacking! I bought Stonyfield Organic baby yogurt. He LOOOVvvess it. Bode is not crawling yet but he wants to so bad! I saw that my daughter-in-law started! Thata girl!! Can’t wait to have you over in our new digs. Muah!
Love the cut!!! You’re adorable as always

Caroline recently posted…Don’t F*ck with Body Pumpers
Oh Caroline you are very sweet.
Love the haircut. SO excited for you guys and the new house. And we need a play date with the boys ASAP.

Katie @ running4cupcakes recently posted…Clean eating (no sugar!) oatmeal cookies