When You Smile…

…The whole world smiles with you.

There’s always something to smile about. I rounded up a few photos from good ol’ Pinterest that gave me a chuckle and a smile and I thought I would share them with you.

This was me last night…but not really.

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Growing up in a household with four boys and two girls, you would think that bodily function humor wouldn’t be so funny to me anymore, but sure enough it gets me every time. I would never do this though!

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Simply said…

smile 3


Don’t do this…

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Enjoy life and the simple things…



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I can’t even…

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Moose would approve of this one…

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Find something to smile about today and share a smile with someone else.

smile reason



This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. I love those pictures! Sometimes taking a small break in my day and looking at cute, happy pictures does make me feel better! Especially that little puppy…omg so cute!!!
    Nikki @ grab your kicks recently posted…Runner: Powered by CoffeeMy Profile

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