Christmas Survey Time

It’s the most wonderful time of the year and it’s time for a little Christmas fun. It’s survey time! Thank you to Amanda for this one! Are you ready? Here we go…


Christmas Movie?
Elf, A Christmas Story, and White Christmas.

Character from any Christmas Movie?
Randy from a Christmas story, especially the scene where he is all bundled up in snow gear and has to waddle around to get anywhere. What a cutie.


Christmas Song?
Night of Silence/Silent Night. It is absolutely beautiful and we always hope that they will sing it at Christmas mass.

Christmas Memory?
I loved going over to my grandparent’s house on Christmas eve. My grandma would make her insanely delicious spaghetti and meatballs and we would all hang out and exchange gifts among the siblings and to mom and dad and grandma and grandpa. It was always a relaxing and cozy evening. After dinner my mom would often put my hair into rollers so that I could have curly hair for Christmas day. I would practically fall asleep as she put them in. I have lots of good Christmas memories.

Christmas Cookie?
Peanut butter blossoms, monster cookies, special k bars (I realize not really a cookie)….notice a theme? Anything with peanut butter and chocolate!

monster cookies

This or That…

Give or Receive?
Give…it takes me a while to pick out the perfect gift, but once I do I am thrilled. I can’t wait to give the gift to the recipient and watch their expression as they open it. I won’t lie, I like getting gifts too. Who doesn’t?

christmas moose

Ham or Turkey?
I prefer turkey, but I can enjoy some ham around the holidays too!

Star or Angel?
Currently we have a star.

White Lights or Colored Lights?
Colored lights. This year we have a bunch of colored lights up in the front of the house, and some white ones in the back. We have colored lights on the tree. I definitely prefer the colored ones.

christmas tree

Blinking Lights or Still Lights?
Still lights, but I love driving around to the houses that have tons of blinking lights that they have programmed to music. You set your car radio to the station that they are programmed to, and you can watch the lights dance to the song!

Were you Naughty or Nice this year?

melanie and abbie

Christmas presents piled underneath a christmas tree.


What do you want for Christmas this year?
Good health.

When do you open your gifts?
This changes yearly now that I am a married woman, but this year I will be opening gifts from Dana’s family on Christmas eve and from my family on Christmas day.

Do you like wrapping gifts?
I enjoy wrapping gifts if I’m wrapping with someone else, but on my own I can take it or leave it.



Can you name all the reindeer?
Uh, chyaa. Just sing the song.

Have you ever gotten a kiss under the mistletoe?

Yeaaa. 🙂

Do you go caroling?
Do people still do this? I caroled one time in elementary school. I thought it was a blast. I think it would be fun to do it again!

Do you drive around and look at the Christmas lights?
Yes! For the past few years Dana and I have gone out to look at lights. We stop at Dairy Queen first and then head around town ooing and awwing. I turn into a kid when it comes to looking at lights.

Have you ever had a white Christmas?
Always! There may have been one year that wasn’t?

Who do you celebrate Christmas with?
Both of our families.

Have you ever had your picture taken with Santa?
Yes, and I have a good feeling I was terrified of him. I didn’t like strangers a whole lot.

What part of Christmas do you look most forward to?
Spending time with family and going to evening church together.

christmas breakfast

Now you go! Answer a few of the questions and have fun!

Continue Reading Christmas Survey Time

Christmas Survey (my turn)

After yesterday’s more serious post, I was feeling the need for a fun light post. So that’s exactly what it’s going to be today.

This Christmas survey has been floating around the blog community (I got this one from Courtney who got it from someone else and so on). It’s time to relive some Christmas memories! Are you ready?!

1. Favorite Christmas Album/CD/Song? .

The past couple of years I have been really into Glee Christmas on Pandora. Also, my bro got me Lady Antebellem’s On This Winter’s Night CD and I have been listening to that each morning as I get ready for work. I like hearing different versions of Christmas songs versus the originals over and over and over…

2. Run on Christmas morning or take the day off?

Usually I would say no running in the morning, but this year since we are training for a 10K on January 1st, and Christmas falls on a Tuesday (our 3 mile run day), and since we don’t have plans until later in the day, I think Dana and I will be running a Christmas morning 5K together around the neighborhood. I may have to wear something festive or maybe carry bells? 🙂

3. What do you usually eat on Christmas morning?

Growing up mom would always make cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning and I loved them. I’d always try and pick out the one with the most frosting. Mmmmm…

4. Favorite holiday or Christmas tradition?

I keep trying to decide if I want to answer these in the present moment or from the past. I think I will go with the past to relive the memories…On Christmas Eve we would go to 5:00 mass which I always love because of all of the great music and warm holiday spirit in the room, and then we would travel to my Grandparents house who lived just a short distance away. Grandma would make spaghetti with homemade meatballs and although it has been quite some time since I’ve had them, I still remember how delicious they were.

After dinner, we would exchange gifts amongst the siblings as well as give mom and dad their gifts from us (usually something homemade from school) and then gifts to grandma and grandpa.

On the ride home at the end of the night I would watch the sky for Santa and his reindeer and would usually mistake an airplane with a red light for his sleigh. I didn’t tell anyone of course.

5. Real tree, fake tree or no tree?

I grew up with a real tree, and continue to go the real tree route. It’s become a tradition for Dana and me to go and cut one down ourselves. I LOVE the smell of real trees, and it’s a “greener” way to go, plus I love that it’s become our tradition as a couple.

6. Christmas pajamas… yay or nay?

Not usually but I did used to sport some amazing homemade PJ’s from grandma back in the day. That woman really knew how to sew. Someday I will be like that!

7. Where do you spend the holidays?

Now that I’m married, our Christmas plans pretty much change every year. This year, we will be with my family on Christmas eve, and Dana’s family on Christmas day. Both of our families live near by which makes it very easy to celebrate with both sides. I am very lucky.

8. Food that you always have during the holiday season? Favorite Christmas food/treat? 

Cookies! Although I don’t like to keep too many around the house because both hubby and I have incredible sweet tooths.

9. Open presents all at once or take turns?

We always take turns. We usually do oldest to youngest or youngest to oldest. Something simple. We’ve always been good about waiting for the other person to finish opening before starting to open our own.

10. Favorite Christmas(ish) movie?

Elf, Home Alone, White Christmas, It’s a Wonderful Life, The Holiday. A couple of classics, a couple more modern.

And that ends the survey. That was fun!

I have to add just one more Christmas photo from the past and then I’ll be done…

Because really, it doesn’t get any cuter than that. I feel so warm and fuzzy! I have so much love for my family and can’t wait to have EVERYONE HOME very soon! Happy Holidays to all.

Continue Reading Christmas Survey (my turn)