Special Delivery
After work I went to the gym and got a great workout in. I ellipticaled for 30 minutes and then did a pyramid strength workout from Pinterest that focused on upper body. It included planks, arm curls, pushups, dips, and more. I will have to dig this one so I can post it for all ya’ll.
As I pulled into our driveway after the gym, I noticed the UPS lady was at our house. What were they delivering to me? Keep reading and you shall see! But first things first.
Bachelor is on… still rooting for Casey B!
I have a belly full of home-made tomato soup with crackers and cheddar cheese. This turned out AMAZING! I loved it. As I said last night, I will be posting that recipe for you.
And am in the process of activating my IPhone4S BABY! I wanted to hug the UPS lady but I resisted. I am pumped!
My old phone was on it’s last limb. I was lucky if I could text on it because the keypad was so shot. It gave me a lot of headaches and tested my patience often. Needless to say I am ecstatic about this new phone. Dana is helping me get situated with it and next step is for me to start entering in a million phone numbers (because I have a million friends, duh, pahhaha just kidding) and learn how to navigate this bad boy. I have never even had internet on my phone before. Holy cow. I am moving up in this world, and getting caught up with the rest of the world.
I am so distracted right now I better get going. I have some learning to do. I hope everyone had a good Monday. Good night!