Life has its challenges. It throws you for a loop when you least expect it. It’s unexpected. It’s real.
When your world turns upside down and you feel like all you want to do is stay curled up in your comfortable bubble, you push yourself to face reality. You have to move on because life goes on.
This isn’t to say that you forget about the challenges you were faced with; you don’t. They become a part of who you are. They strengthen you, and they make you a better person a lot of the time.
These times in our lives make us more gracious. They make us look at what is truly important and they open our eyes to the important people in our lives. The people who lift us up throughout times of struggle, who are by our side whether we need a shoulder to cry on, a friend to laugh with, or a person to simply sit with in silence. I know I say this often, but my family and friends are my world. I feel so lucky to have such an incredible network of people who love me unconditionally and who are there for me day and night.
I am so gracious for love that I am able to give and to receive.
On this beautiful Saturday, think about all of the amazing people in your life. Give gratitude for the ability to love and to be loved.
Live your life. Love unconditionally. Be hopeful for good things.
The verdict on the pb banana wrap with turkey bacon? It tastes better without the bacon. I have a feeling a lot of people out there would argue with me and say that EVERYTHING tastes better with bacon, but I would have to disagree. It was fun to give it a shot but I’ll stick with the B.L.A.T. option if I want to get my bacon fix.
After work I hit the gym for a 30 minute elliptical run followed by back and bicep strength training.
3×10 bicep curls
3×10 push-ups
3×10 (back) flies—I’m going to be honest I don’t know if that’s the right termage, but I’m going to go with it.
I ended with a 1-minute plank
I am extremely tired today so I called it quits after that and headed home in the SNOW! It’s actually snowing here in Minnesota…finally. I didn’t mind un-MinneSNOWta myself but it is kind of pretty around here with the white fluff on the ground.
This isn’t my backyard but it’s a pretty photo, right?!
Dinner was an old go-to dinner for us that we actually haven’t “gone-to” in a while.
Kitchen Sink Hash. We basically throw whatever vegetables we have on hand in a pan with some garlic powder, salt, and pepper. We saute the vegetables until tender, in the meantime cooking an egg over-easy. Plate up the vegetables, then place the egg, and a little shredded cheese on top. Lastly poke the egg yolk (and quick take a picture) as it disperses over the vegetables. OH yea so good!
The rest of the night was spent relaxing with my men, watching the Bachelor, and finishing up the laundry that I didn’t get around to last night. Also, Dana and I booked a future vacation! We have lots of fun planned in the next year. I will be sharing it all with you very soon!
This morning I started off with a walk/run on the treadmill. It got me moving and a little sweaty. Oh, by the way…
This is my first Valentine’s Day as a married woman! Unfortunately I have to work until 7 pm tonight but that doesn’t mean we aren’t going to celebrate when I get home. Dana is going to make some sort of fresh fish for us (I had originally thought swordfish but now I am contemplating over something else like walleye or grouper), oven roasted fennel and artichoke hearts, and ice cream for dessert! I am excited to try roasted fennel. I have never cooked with it at home. I know it has a slight licorice taste which I generally don’t like, but I am thinking that roasting it might bring out a different flavor. We shall see!
Some people will say that Valentine’s Day is just a “Hallmark” holiday, and that you should tell those you love, that you love them EVERYDAY, not just on February 14th. I agree with this partially, but as a person who DOES tell the ones I love dearly that I love them (sorry this is getting confusing), I DO enjoy celebrating Valentine’s Day. It falls at a great time of year when the big holiday rush has subsided, and the winter is getting a little long. It’s a fun day to express your love even more than you normally do. And to get a little sappy too. 🙂
I am thrilled that it is my first Valentine’s Day as a married woman! I won’t get too mushy on you but I just have to say that I feel like the luckiest woman in the whole world to have Dana as my husband.
He is such a thoughtful, unselfish person, who loves me unconditionally and can put up with me even when I’m having a “crisis”.
He makes me laugh, supports me endlessly, and encourages me to follow my heart.
Telling him I love him doesn’t even begin to explain the way I feel for him. I am so happy I get to spend every single Valentine’s Day with this man forever. I love you Dana. Happy Valentine’s Day.
And Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you as well! I hope that everyone has a great day and can enjoy a little piece of love whether it’s a smile from a friend, a piece of chocolate from a coworker, or even just sitting on the couch with people you enjoy, and watching your favorite show together.
I am a pretty mushy person, but I was able to give you the amended version of my lovey-dovey rant. I LOVE LOVE! What can I say!
How do you guys feel about Valentine’s Day? Overplayed, underplayed? Just another day? The best day of the year? I would love to read your comments!