Touchy Subject

Good morning!

Work starts a little later today so I slept in until 7:30, and am enjoying a cup of coffee before I head downstairs to get a run in on the treadmill.

So remember how I mentioned that my soup had a really high sodium content yesterday (not to mention the salty chips)? Well, I could definitely tell later on in the day just how salty it was because I was incredibly thirsty. I was going through water like it was my last chance to ever again drink it.

This made me curious. I had weighed myself yesterday and I was wondering how much water I was retaining after all of that sodium. I stepped on the scale again today…I am retaining 3 lbs of water weight this morning! Now, I am not trying to be an advocate for the scale because really, I hate the scale. I could be feeling phenomenal one morning after a week’s worth of healthy eating and great workouts, and then step on the scale, “not like what I see,” and I am grumpy for the next half of the day.

I need to remember that they’re just numbers. If the pants fit, and I like how I look and feel, and am trying to eat right and stay active, the numbers don’t matter. K, that was my scale rant. It just makes me think about all of the processed foods out there and how much harder our hearts have to work when there is extra fluid flowing around in there.

Since I went there with the numbers and the scale business, I have to say, although I am a dietitian and do watch what I eat, it is obvious I love sweets. Enter oreo bars and ice cream:









Around the holidays I did pack on a few extra lbs due to endless holiday cookies staring me in the face daily, and am slowly trying to shed those lbs gained. I am a very active person, and the “numbers” are going down Slllooooowwwwlllly (which is good), but more importantly, my pants are starting to fit better than they did around the holidays.

I am not perfect, I am not a perfect eater, but I do try and balance my diet and never deprive myself of the things I love. If I want chocolate everyday, I will eat chocolate everyday, I am just learning how to moderate that so that it continues to be a “treat” and not a daily snack. I to, have to practice what I preach: It’s all about moderation.

Weight is definitely a touchy subject for most people, including myself, but it is something that so many people are worried about on a daily basis. That’s why I dislike diets so much. Sure some diets will help you shed 30 lbs in 30 days, but what happens once you go back to normal living without the diet? The pounds start to pile on oftentimes more quickly than they were lost which is why I stress the importance of learning to live a healthy lifestyle with healthy food choices and exercise. It is important to enjoy life, and love the foods you are eating, but there needs to be some balance in there.

As I continue to motivate myself to stay active and eat healthy, I will try and do the same for you whether it’s sharing healthy recipes (and sometimes not so healthy ones–remember all in moderation), sharing workouts, fun activities, etc.

I hope your Tuesdays are off to a great start. Get out there and “let me see you do something.” Love those commercials! Off to the treadmill I go (yes our basement is unfinished, that’s not a really bad zebra paint job)…

Hi, Melanie. I am waiting for you…
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