A brief introduction of two other members of my household…

My husband, Dana.

On October 1st, 2011 I married my best friend and love of my life, Dana. He is so incredibly supportive of me and always looks towards the positives in any situation. We enjoy cooking together, running, playing with the pup, hanging out with friends and family, working on home improvements, and traveling.

My German Sheperd, Moose:

This is our babe. He loves to play with his rope, chicken, chew on his bone, eat, whine, go running with mom and dad, play with friends at the dog park, and take naps. He keeps us laughing…all 90 lbs of him!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. EverdayLivingPNW

    Hey there just noticed that you guys almost share an anniversary with my wife and I, we were married on October 2nd, 2010. Cute pup btw…

    1. Melanie

      What a great time to have a wedding, right? It was beautiful. 🙂

  2. Caly

    Came across your blog looking for scd recipes, you have some great ones. I’m 31 yrs old, 3 kids, and also have uc. I’ve had great luck with a dr. Hugo Rodier, he has a book that might help you. Clean gut. It’s so hard to figure out what can flare me, it can be so random, thanks for your blog!!!

    1. Melanie

      Hi! I’m so happy you came across my blog. As you probably noticed, I am no longer following SCD but I do have some recipes (as you’ve found) for SCD available on my site! Finding what triggers your system is such a huge science experiment isn’t it? I’ve learned over the years that what one person reacts to may not be the same for everyone else with UC, so it’s important to find things that work, and don’t work for you! I have found my biggest triggers to be refined sugar and alcohol, so I limit these as much as possible. I tend to have some issues with gluten as well.

  3. Mark Stores

    Found your blog while searching google images of German Shephards and I found a photo of Moose with our exact couch in the background, so we have the same type of dog (ours is Dakota), and the same couch. What are the odds of that? Lol. Anyways, clicked on the photo and found your blog. My wife is starting to cook healthier for me for health reasons, so I’m so excited to see your healthy meals on your blog! Thanks for sharing your Awesome blog! Mark & Family

    1. Melanie

      That is too funny! What are the chances? The couch was a hand-me-down from family and we really enjoy it, and of course our Moosebear is our big teddy bear who makes us so happy! He keeps us laughing everyday. I’m glad you came across my blog! Have a great week!

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