Oh my goodness it’s been over a month since I’ve been on here. YIKES!
Here’s what I’ve been up to…
We moved into our new house on Friday! We have now been here for a week and are starting to feel semi-organized. There is lots and lots to do still but we have time! We aren’t planning on leaving any time soon! We absolutely love the open floor plan and everything about this house. Bode is getting used to it too!
Bode is right around the corner from turning one year old. How on earth that is even possible I have no idea. He has taken a few steps but still not ready enough to do it on his own all of the time. I am perfectly okay with this. Considering I am already chasing after him I am just imagining how life will change even more once he is running everywhere! Time for me to lace up my sneaks. He now has six teeth so he is eating pretty much everything with a few exceptions. But that didn’t mean that we stopped getting him checked by our Orlando Family Dentist, because he still had some issues with the teeth. His favorites change on a daily basis as do most kids’, but you can be pretty sure if you give him yogurt, pancakes, grapes, meatballs, pasta or mashed potatoes, that he is going to be a happy camper. He makes me laugh everyday. I love that little munchkin.
Since I love all things fall, I have made it a priority to put at least a couple of my fall decorations out to enjoy before the season passes. We don’t have shelves up so there is limited decorating space, but I have managed to find a few spots! Considering I do love fall so much, I decided that Bode was going to have a lil’ pumpkin/fall themed birthday party. I’m by no means going crazy with decor but it helps me to have a theme in planning. Think pumpkins, soup, apples…it’s going to be fun! But again, still can’t believe he’s turning one.
Let’s see, what else has happened over the last couple of months? I am still loving and becoming more obsessed with my essential oils on a daily basis. I have been diffusing peppermint and lavender in the morning while I get ready for work and it such a nice little pick me up that I look forward to. Love!
Because of the move and trying to get our lives organized in our new house, exercise has been thrown to the curb. This is going to change very soon though because I am starting to feel it. I miss it! We have definitely been active unpacking boxes but it’s just not the same you know? It will happen! I had plans to go for a run today but now it’s raining so we will see. Excuses, excuses.
Okay so I guess this is going to be a post without pictures and I apologize because that is very boring but I realize I haven’t synced my photos to my computer in about a month and baby cakes is about to wake up and I really want to get this published before he does!
I hope you are all well and enjoying this beautiful fall as much as I am!